Monday, January 15, 2007

Dear Doggie

Posted from Exmouth, Devon to York July 1959
"My Dear Little Trina, I do wish you and Mum were down here, for I miss you both so much. Be a good Doggie and look after my Mum and the house. Don't chew up my shoes if you can manage to do without. Lots of Love Kathleen xxxx"

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Dress Sense

Sent from Torquay to Leigh, Lancs July 1936
"Dear Bill & Bessie. Having a splendid time. Went to Dartmouth and up the river Dart to Totnes yesterday and are going to Plymouth and Dartmoor today. I forgot to borrow your broad arrow suit for Dartmoor, so shall have to wear a ball & Chain. Ernie & Doris".

Children Speak The Truth

Posted July 1979 from Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria, to NASH in N. Wales
"Dear All, Field full of long grass. Calor gas stove Caput. Horrible tea. Nice countryside. Lovely tent. Church tomorrow. Enjoying myself. Don't think we will be going to the outdoor baths, but it looks like clearing up. xxxx SARAH".

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

UK Vintage Postcards

Welcome to the world of UK Vintage Postcards. Whether a 'Collector' or a 'Trader' you will find interesting Posts and Articles on this site relating to the fascinating world of UK Vintage Postcards. This Blog will open a literal 'Time Portal' into the every day world of the early 19th Century Britain. UK Vintage Postcards are mini doorways into this world which will be updated with excerpts, both amusing and solemn, from original UK vintage postcards.

Monday, January 08, 2007

A Baker In Love

Posted from Horsham, Surrey Sept. 11th 1905 - To Miss M Greenhorn Scotland.
"Thanks for postcard you sent, but I must say I am in no great hurry to start baking again! Ralph, wife & son have come to Horsham to live. He seems to have had enough of London. No doubt you know as much about this view as I do, especially the seat under the tree ! Love Ted"

Country Living

Posted Sheffield 2nd March 1918
"Dear Dolly, we are staying here overnight (card of Whitely Woods, Sheffield), so I shall be glad if you will feed my bunnies tomorrow (Sunday) morning and evening. You will find food in the washhouse in pots and if any hay is wanted, you know where it is. Do not disturb the big one or white one, as they are making nests I think - Yours Win"